Fried Apple

I've had this Apple ][ Plus for a couple years now, but never taken the time to do any testing. Well, today I was bored, so I powered it up, tested the keys, and gave the case a good cleaning. Most of the keys weren't responding at first, but through rapid button pressing I was able to get them all going again - though some are still flaky. I might need to dig out the contact cleaner. 

Anyway, I was happily typing in some BASIC code for fun when I heard a sizzling noise and smoke started billowing from the back of the power supply. I quickly unplugged the power cord, but now I'm left with yet another project. At some point I'll tear into the Astec branded PSU and replace what is most likely the C7 capacitor. In the meantime, I may borrow a PSU from a IIe to continue playing with the II Plus.


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