Guided Access - Toddler Proofing for iOS

I’m sure there are many people already using Guided Access on their iOS 6 devices, but for those with small children who don’t know about it, I thought this would be a tip worth mentioning.

My wife and I are flying with our 17-month-old twin boys for the first time next month, and I have been looking for ways to allow them to use my iPhone and my wife’s iPad - should they get cranky - without constantly hitting the Home button or pausing videos.

After exhaustively searching for the best solution, I stumbled across a new feature in iOS 6 called Guided Access. Guided Access allows you to disable touching on all or part of the screen, all hardware buttons, and motion sensors.

To enable Guided Access, go to Settings/General/Accessibility and tap the Guided Access button in the Learning section. After turning on Guided Access and setting a Passcode, launch the App of your choice and triple-click the Home button to configure the interface elements you wish to block. To disable certain parts of the screen, use your finger to circle the specific areas you don’t want your little one to access. You can also tap the options button to configure access to the hardware buttons, touch (for the whole screen), and the motion sensors. When you are done hit the start button to begin.

To exit Guided Access, triple-click the Home button again and enter the 4-digit Passcode, and your device will return to normal.

Hope someone finds this useful!


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